We Are The MyCoalition

The Mycoalition is a mycelium-modeled coalition based in Colorado.

We are a community organizing and educational network promoting community health and responsible psychedelic stewardship to empower community sovereignty and holistic social change with plant, fungal, and medicine allies.

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In 2021, The Mycoalition emerged to support local community groups in influencing Colorado’s Natural Medicine Health Act (The NMHA). Since then, we have empowered critical community advocacy efforts to ensure and maintain full decriminalization for the growing, gathering, and gifting (without sale) of medicines included in The NMHA.

Now, people in Colorado have the legal protections needed to responsibly steward and work with the plants and fungal allies included in The NMHA themselves and in their communities without being forced to participate in the state-regulated industry.

These accomplishments have come through intense political struggles and immense pressure. Colorado has suddenly become the epicenter for an emerging people’s movement for community sovereignty with psychedelics and plant/fungal medicine. However, this movement is converging and often conflicting with a high-speed psychedelic industry.

Now The Mycoalition is a vehicle for community empowerment, advocacy, and capacity-building to maintain the communal protections that have been established in Colorado and create a model for responsible, holistic, and ethical community-based psychedelic ecosystems as the foundation for the larger emerging psychedelic movement.

Community Support Makes Our Work Possible

Support The Mycoalition with a contribution today!

The Mycoalition is a fully tax-exempt
501(c)3 Not-For-Profit Organization

All donations to The Mycoalition are fully tax-deductible
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Become A Member Of The Mycoalition

As a member of The Mycoalition, you will have the opportunity to be an active part of laying the foundation for the emergence of holistic psychedelic ecosystems. The intended impact of The Mycoalition is to support the decentralized empowerment of responsible and ethical community-based medicine work. We do this, first and foremost, by empowering our members and, therefore, the communities they belong to.

We largely do this through supporting member-led initiatives. Many of these initiatives are created and driven by self-organized groups within The Mycoalition that interact, collaborate, and orbit around each other. We call these groups "Constellations".

Constellations can be based on identity, location, vocation, affinity, a common goal, or any other defining characteristic, so long as they hold themselves accountable to our Constellation Requirements. Think of the Mycoalition as the mycelium. The constellations produce the fruiting bodies.

Mycoalition Membership is sliding scale, costing as little as a dollar per year. All membership dues go towards supporting our initiatives and resourcing people to empower their efforts within The Mycoalition.

Click Here To Join

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The People’s Medicine Pact

If we are going to create a mycelial network for medicine workers and community sovereignty with psychedelics, we need ethical guidelines and systems of accountability that support responsible psychedelic ecosystems.

So, as we lay this mycelial foundation, we're working to create the intercultural pathways to form The People’s Medicine Pact: a code of ethics and accountability infrastructure for psychedelic stewardship and medicine work.

This pact will be the first of its kind  that exists in a decriminalized setting in the country, created through a community-led  process with diverse and equitable representation. The People’s Medicine Pact will be designed to continually evolve and iterate as a living charter for medicine workers, psychedelic practitioners, community medicine practices, and emerging psychedelic ecosystems.

Imagine the beauty, restoration, abundance, and synergy we could realize from the ground of solidarity.

Though the pact will be devoted to people working with medicine outside of a state-regulated framework, it is also intended to influence psychedelic service providers working within state-regulated systems as well as support people working between those worlds.

Only Mycoalition Members will be able to participate in the creation of this pact. The pact will be drafted by a diverse council of Mycoalition members called The People’s Medicine Council of Colorado.

These representatives will be selected by Mycoalition members through a participatory election process. Council members will be tasked with coalescing and synthesizing input from members and their communities to draft the pact. 

We are committed to moving at the speed of trust with this process. The drafting of The People's Medicine Pact will take as long as it needs to take to be unifying, equitable, and in solidarity with the most marginalized.

To take part in the creation of The People’s Medicine Pact, sign up here to become a member:

Become A Member Today

Building Community Capacity

Through membership, The Mycoalition provides the tools and resources to build the cultural, structural, and relational ground that responsible psychedelic ecosystems can emerge from. Members are able to engage in participatory decision making, peer-to-peer offerings, public education efforts, restorative justice processes, group accountability, regular member meetings, trainings and workshops.

Empowering Advocacy & Initiatives

Rooted in mutual aid, principled activism, and a mycelial approach to community organizing, we support member-led initiatives and advocacy campaigns that solve for community need and lead towards holistic social change and policy reform with psychedelics, prioritizing supporting the voices and leadership of BIPOC and historically marginalized people.

Bridging Gaps

Through public events, collaborative campaigns, and intersectional culture work, we coalesce kinship and allyship between diverse communities and sectors of emerging psychedelic ecosystems. We foster solidarity and synergy as the principle practice and aim of the generational work we’re devoted to.